15 December 2011

New blog Delay Constant

I'm pretty bad at making up names, but for this new retrospective blog I decided to name and design it based much on the Half-Life games. Delay Constant is where I will look back on things from my childhood and share them with you through intensive research. Think of it as a personal, written version of The Big Picture if you want.


05 November 2011

New Webcomic

I've been busy these days. Most of it has been on a new continuous webcomic documenting the oddities inside my mind. I've already made 5 comics, so come often or check on our Twitter.

Check out Silent Catalyst sometime!

In other news, expect some cool stuff from Extra Curricular in the future as well. There's already plenty awaiting new viewers of their podcast, including an episode guest starring Dan and James from Extra Credits.


24 October 2011

New deviantART profile & Extra Credits group

Hey again. I've had yet another impulse to make something, and this time it was an Extra Credits deviantART group. To do this I made my own account, so I made myself home here.

Around the same time, I got the opportunity to install Anime Studio Debut on my school MacBook and do some stuff with it. I took that opportunity to do a couple EC-related tests with it. The first was an animation of Daniel Floyd's avatar, and the next was a picture of my "Anime Jacob" in the same art style.

Now that I think about it, try to expect something more interesting in the close future.


11 September 2011

New Xanatos video CS: The Movie Trailer

Well, I guess this could be considered a retro post considering all the hype in the machinima community that came with its sudden release, but here you go: Xanatos finished a new video and it was released by Machinima.com.

As one of the extras, it was an honor to witness a new Xanatos production in progress, especially since I think there's been too little of it these past 2 years.

05 September 2011

New Updates

Hard to believe, especially with my extended absence, that there is a lot of breaking news going on in my world.

First of all, the web series Extra Credits has been picked up by Penny Arcade's PATV, and will debut its latest episode on Wednesday.

I've been helping out in testing the premise of a podcast that will run on Extra Credits' fan website Extra Curricular. Who knows when it will finally be made into a real podcast, but our first tests can be found here. Special thanks to Ikono for everything he did to help out our growing community.

Finally, in the torn apart world of the Janus Syndicate, Xanatos has decided to work on a Counter-Strike: Source parody trailer to commemorate the announcement of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. A mishap has forced a slow in progress, but Xanatos plans to finish it by the end of this week to be released by Machinima.com over the weekend.

Hope to see you later with something interesting!

18 July 2011

Turbine Trouble released

Well, it's been rather quick, but the TF2 machinima has just been posted on YouTube.

Click to watch in HD

As it's said in the description, I may find a match in a Payload map to make another video. But for now I'll get back to the Extra Curricular forums.

Pepe "J*Rod" Siete

17 July 2011

Extra Curricular forum and upcoming TF2 machinima

Inspired by the problems that the chat for our Extra Credits Steam group had in realizing its potential, a few chat regulars (including myself) decided to create a fan forum called Extra Curricular, which I personally thought could be a good name for EC's games fund.

Within minutes of its first announcement on the Steam page, the forum admins were surprised to see an introduction by Yug from Game Damage, also co-hosted by Yahtzee from EC inspiration/sister series Zero Punctuation.

Also, I'm working on a TF2 replay machinima called Turbine Trouble. It's based on the last part of a match in ctf_turbine. I rendered and posted of one of the full takes as a preview of the full video, which will be posted in 720p HD.

See you later!
Pepe "J*Rod" Siete

01 July 2011

New Steam group for Extra Credits

As a longtime fan of Extra Credits, I previously e-mailed James Portnow about whether they were interested in making a Steam group or not. I saw a potential of having another outlet of information and a closer connection between EC Nation and the games that they love so much.

Unfortunately, James did not express that much interest in making and moderating the group himself, especially since much of the crew's time was spent on either the show itself, or their jobs and future plans.

But after seeing the overwhelming support from EC Nation to support artist Allison Theus, and even making the raised funds multiple times higher than their goal, I decided to make a fan page to increase support for the show through Steam.

You can visit the new group here and feel free to invite others as well.

Pepe "J*Rod" Siete

05 June 2011

New Portal 2 map for contest!

For the Summer Mapping Initiative at ThinkingWithPortals.com (which is almost over), I made a new single player map as an entry for it.

As of this posting, I have released version 2 of it. The latest version can be downloaded here and discussed here.

25 April 2011

New VB6 Hangman game finished, Restarting Brian's Life mod

While I was away doing other things, I completed a Hangman game in Visual Basic 6. It features a board right out of Wheel of Fortune, a placebo loading screen, a crappy icon, music cues right out of TF2, and a cartoon hangman made entirely with lines and shapes made in VB.

[Download] (2.07 MB)

Anyway, I'm more confident I can restart the Brian's Life mod I've been working on designing for a few years. We just need some help in designing the characters and areas to start out. If you want to help out, e-mail me at czfjrod@gmail.com and join our Steam group.

Pepe "J*Rod" Siete (this is my new alias)

19 January 2011

Welcome to the new JS* blog

From now on, I'm using Blogspot to post updates on new content from JS* Media, and more. There will also be occasional news from behind the Janus Syndicate which will also be up at jsclan.com.

Most recent news:
Rough cuts of Gordon Flatgrass have been released on our YouTube channel
Half-Life: Ultimate is in a playable Alpha mode in-house - we need playtesters and mappers
Hearts and Brains, a new collaborative miniseries by Xanatos, Dan Brooks, and Machinima.com, debuted Sunday with positive reception

For more information, e-mail me at czfjrod@gmail.com or PM me on YouTube.